To observe norms of conduct for students, respect teachers and develop sound ideology, moral character and habits of conduct; (二)遵守学生行为规范,尊敬师长,养成良好的思想品德和行为习惯;
The Research and Practice on Stimulating Education in the Formation of Elementary Students 'Good Moral Character 激励教育在初中生良好品德形成教育中的研究与实践
Because left social morality, this is, also do not talk about last character virtue, the appearance of individual moral character always is sufferring the effect of social morality. 这是因为离开了社会道德,也就谈不上个人品德,个人品德的面貌总是受着社会道德的影响。
I do not approve at all of his moral character. 我根本不赞同他的道德品格。
Having strong-minded and high-blooded moral character, and having the better communication and organizing ability. 具有坚强的意志品质,良好的道德风貌,具有较强人际沟通以及组织协调能力。
Its amazing what being short, fat, and ugly has done for my moral character. 我又矮、又胖、又丑,这些对我的道德品格影响之大,真是不可思议。
The Research on Thought and Moral Character of New Course Curriculum System and Teaching System in Middle School 中学思想品德新课程教材体系和教学体系的初探
On Constructing Values of Moral Character Model in Education and Administration of Students 论学生教育与管理中人格范型价值的重建
There are great differences between teacher's moral personality and general moral character. 教师的道德人格与一般道德人格不同,首先,体现了人格与师格的统一。
Psychological health education is an important part in college quality education, being of great significance in the growth of physical and mental health of College students, the development of Ideological and moral character education and socialist mental civilization construction. 摘要心理健康教育是学校素质教育的重要组成部分,对大学生身心健康成长和发展思想品德教育以及社会主义精神文明建设具有重要意义。
Moral character model plays an important role as one of spiritual and educational resources at all times and in all countries. 人格范型作用在古今中外的学校教育中一直是一种非常重要的精神资源和教育资源。
Therefore the relation between moral behavior and moral character is the one between ethical principle and the moral character. 行为总是依据一定的原则而行动,所以道德行为与道德品质的关系就是道德原则与道德品质的关系。
They were small, church connected institutions whose primary concern was to shape the moral character of their students. 它们是些小型的和教堂有关的机构,他们主要关心的是对学生道德品行的塑造。
In the process of education, training a student to have staunch politics and good moral character are especially important. 在教育过程中,培养学员坚定的政治思想和优良的道德品质尤为重要。
Analysis of the Related Factors between the Formation of Bad Moral Character and Ethical and Ideological Education 不良品德形成与道德教育的相关因素分析
On the Moral Character of Education: Caring for Life Is the Basic Ethical Demand of Education 论教育的道德品性&兼论关怀生命是教育的基本道德诉求
Sharing concept into a socialist ideals and beliefs should develop moral character and enhance its own virtues. 要把社会主义荣辱观内化为理想信念,发展道德人格,增进自身美德。
In such a situation, we have neglected factors and so on social environment, family raise and school edition to the young people moral character forming process influence. 在这样的情形下,我们疏忽了社会环境、家庭培育和学校教育等因素对青少年道德品质形成入程的影响。
A choice of gift shows the giver's moral character, respect to accepter and mutual understanding. 一份礼物的选择,体现着馈赠者的品位、对受赠者的尊重以及彼此之间的了解。
The thinking creativeness and theoretical moral character of the "three represents" “三个代表”的思维创新与理论品格
The moral character of children, be taught in the morality of family, school and society and form stage by stage below moral edification. 孩子们的道德品质,是在家庭、学校和社会的道德教育和道德熏陶下逐步形成的。
Can we have a measure of humility is also a noble moral character is one of the ways. 能否做到谦逊也是衡量一个人思想品德是否高尚的方法之一。
Evolving thinking, especial imaginal thinking, has great significance in the formation of moral character. 发展思维,尤其是发展形象思维,对于道德品质的形成有着十分重要的意义。
The Inspiration of Confucian Thoughts on Cultivating Moral Character of Science and Technology Talents 儒家的修身思想对科技人才道德修养的启示
What moral character do you value most?& Simplicity. 你最珍贵的品德是什么?&朴素。
Moral character is an important aspect of the quality of people. 道德品质是一个人素质的主要方面。
This paper expounds the political consciousness, moral character, communicating ability, leadership style, and comprehensive quality that the library director should possess. 阐述了新世纪图书馆馆长应具备的思想觉悟、德品质、通能力、导艺术和综合素质能力。
The moral character of pressures on medical staff has a significant influence on the construction of their professionalism. 医务人员的职业修养和医德品质塑造,与医务人员所承受的环境压力的善恶有着密切的关系。
Children 1 family education 1 education morality mixes 1 cheeper moral character is two ideas that having close connection. 儿童1家教1幼儿1教育道德和品德是有着紧密联系的两个概念。
As a transcendent activity, the historical and moral character of comprehension are associated. 理解作为超越存在者的运动,其历史性与道德性是相互关联的。